PhysioElite @ Home

Unable to make your physio session? PhysioElite can now come to you! Your first session will last the full hour with a full assessment and treatment on day one. If needed the following sessions will be 30-40mins depending on your needs.
For an extra €5 on top of the original price (€45) PhysioElite can travel within a 5km radius of the clinic
(A surcharge may apply for distances over 5km)
If you feel you or someone you know would benefit from a home visit from PhysioElite contact us on 0860701358 (Tricia) or 0876446798 (Claire)
For an extra €5 on top of the original price (€45) PhysioElite can travel within a 5km radius of the clinic
(A surcharge may apply for distances over 5km)
If you feel you or someone you know would benefit from a home visit from PhysioElite contact us on 0860701358 (Tricia) or 0876446798 (Claire)